Wednesday 14 July 2010

Plan for cutaways


1. Tell me what life was like before you had your mobile phone.

2. When did you get your first mobile phone and why did you get it?

3. Tell me about all the mobile phones you have had.

4. Tell me about your current mobile phone.

5. Why did you choose this phone? (We decided not to include this as our interviewee had answered this in the previous question).

6. Tell me about the ring tone you have on your phone and why you chose it.

7. What do you use your mobile phone for?

8. How much does your mobile phone cost you each month?

9. How often do you send text messages?

10. What text 'language' do you use and how did you learn it?

11. What's the best thing about having a mobile phone?

12. What's the worst thing about having a mobile phone?

13. How important is your mobile phone to you?

14. How would you cope without your mobile phone?


1. Group of people using their phones and one left out looking sad.

2. Close-up of calendar saying 'My Birthday'.

3.Pile of phones.

4. Pic of phone spinning and zooming.

5. Phone logo (apple logo).

6. A phone ringing.

7. Someone on the phone.

8. Shot of amount of money?

9. Picture of a number.

10. Zoom in on text being sent.

11. Talking on the phone.

12. Someone panicking/ looking stressed out as they have lost their phone.

13. Love hearts around a phone.

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